William Goldman


By day it is filled with boat traffic
– water buses, delivery boats, gondolas
– if something floats and it’s in Venice,
it moves along the Grand Canal.
And by daylight it is one of the glories of the Earth.

But at night, especially when the moon is full
and the soft illumination reflects off the water and
onto the palaces
– I don’t know how to describe it so I won’t,
but if you died and in your will you
asked for your ashes to be spread gently on the
Grand Canal at midnight with a full moon,
everyone would know this about you

– you loved and understood beauty.

November 2014 – Venice, Italy.

Gwen Stefani


I remember when I was in school, they would ask,
‘What are you going to be when you grow up?’
and then you’d have to draw a picture of it.

I drew a picture of myself as a bride.

Nov 16, 2014 – Finally, my BFF who I know for almost 20 years tie the knot to someone I definitely approved!

November 2014 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



Elsa: What?
Anna: You kind of set off an eternal winter, everywhere!
Elsa: Everywhere?
Anna: But it’s okay, you can just unfreeze it
Elsa: No I can’t. I-I don’t know how!

…. yea, too many times, I do not know, how to unfreeze too.
It just brought me back to that moment when I was on the peak of Mt. Buller
Everything was frozen, only my heart is beating warm, and thinking of you …

July 2011 – Melbourne, Australia.